Explore How the ‘Blue Bloods’ Cast Has Evolved From Their Debut Seasons

As “Blue Bloods” enters its 12th season, it’s a perfect time to reflect on its origins and the ensemble that has made it a staple of television drama.
From the series debut, much of the main cast has stayed consistent, with Tom Selleck (Frank), Donnie Wahlberg (Danny), Bridget Moynahan (Erin), Will Estes (Jamie), and Len Cariou (Henry) anchoring the show. Sami Gayle (Nicky) joined shortly after the premiere. While the series has said goodbye to some original members like Amy Carlson (Linda) and Jennifer Esposito (Jackie), it welcomed new faces such as Marisa Ramirez (Baez) in Season 3 and Vanessa Ray (Eddie) in Season 4.
The iconic Sunday dinners are a central element, with most of the cast gathering around the table. Wahlberg vividly recalls the first dinner scene, which was also his first day of shooting. “It was sort of traumatizing for me to sit there and have to come in on my first day of shooting the series and just basically take over the dinner table,” he shared with TV Insider.
Wahlberg understood the significance of these scenes for the show’s success, emphasizing the importance of each character having a voice. He succeeded, earning a reassuring smile and a pat on the back from Selleck, who expressed that such moments would bring magic to the show.