The Sound Of This ’65 Mustang Hitting A Trailer Will Hurt Your Soul!

Loading a car on a trailer should not be this difficult, but if you do not do it with care, sometimes things backfire like this.

This gentleman has just bought an amazing show-quality vehicle in California and it looks like an amazing built. Normally he does not decide to drive it across the country so he opted for a company called Dependable Carriers to transport the vehicle for him, but we are sad to say, this is not going that great for him.

The guy loading the car gives it a bit too much while on the ramps but this powerful modified 1965 Mustang Fastback spins the tires sending it a few inches to the right and slamming into the trailer destroying that precious paint on the rear of the vehicle.

The video might hurt you deep inside but believe us it hurt the owner much much worse hearing and seeing his brand-new vehicle slammed into the trailer like that .!

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