Sue the T. Rex Gets Life-Like Model at the Field Museum

For two decades, Sue, the largest and most complete Tyrannosaurus rex skeleton ever discovered, has been a star attraction for dinosaur enthusiasts visiting the Field Museum in Chicago. Now, Sue’s legacy continues to evolve with the unveiling of a life-size, flesh-like model that brings visitors even closer to imagining the apex predator in her prime.

The new exhibit, aptly named “Sue in the Flesh,” was revealed at Stanley Field Hall. This impressive 40-foot-long, 14-foot-tall model captures Sue in a dynamic, lifelike pose, complete with a replica baby Edmontosaurus clutched in her jaws—a nod to the T. rex’s common prey. The model was meticulously created by Blue Rhino Studio in Minnesota, renowned for their expertise in producing highly detailed and scientifically accurate prehistoric replicas.

What makes this model particularly remarkable is its exact match to Sue’s skeleton, down to the smallest detail, including scars. One notable scar above Sue’s left ankle provides a fascinating glimpse into her life. According to Bill Simpson, the head of geological collections at the Field Museum, this scar likely resulted from a bone infection caused by a fierce encounter with another formidable dinosaur, such as a Triceratops or an Ankylosaurus.

Sue’s new model not only enhances the museum’s exhibit but also offers an educational experience, allowing visitors to appreciate the intricacies of her anatomy and the harsh realities of her existence. This addition to the Field Museum underscores the institution’s commitment to bringing the past to life, blending scientific discovery with creative expression.

Whether you are a long-time admirer of Sue or a first-time visitor, the “Sue in the Flesh” exhibit promises to be a captivating and educational highlight, providing an unforgettable glimpse into the world of one of history’s most iconic dinosaurs.